15 Mins, Snatch+Hang Snatch (1+1)
For Time
20 Power Clean & Push Jerk 60kg(40kg)
Run 800Mtrs
10 Power Clean & Push Jerk 60kg(40kg)
Run 400 Mtrs
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
THURS WOD 31/1/2012
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
WED WOD 30/1/2013
30 Muscle Ups in the least amount of sets as possible
12,9,6 Reps for time of
Power Snatch
Over Head Squats
Cap 15 Minutes
30 Muscle Ups in the least amount of sets as possible
12,9,6 Reps for time of
Power Snatch
Over Head Squats
Cap 15 Minutes
Monday, January 28, 2013
TUES WOD 29/1/2013
20 Mins to find a Heavy Hang Clean + Push Jerk (3+1)
EMOTM for 12 Mins
With the remainder of the time Max Double Unders, Score HSPU and Double Unders
20 Mins to find a Heavy Hang Clean + Push Jerk (3+1)
EMOTM for 12 Mins
With the remainder of the time Max Double Unders, Score HSPU and Double Unders
MON WOD 28/1/2013

Front Squats, 20 Mins to find a Heavy Double for the day
Team Chipper
2 Athletes, 1 working 1 resting.
50 SDLHP 50kg(35kg)
50 TTB
50 Push Press 50kg(35kg)
50 Ring Dips
50 Front Squats 50kg(35kg)
50 Pullups
You may scale the weight and or reps as needed.
REMEMBER PUBLIC HOLIDAY 8:30am Session Only Today
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013
SAT WOD 27/1/2013
Thursday, January 24, 2013
FRI WOD 25/1/2013
"The Bear"
5 Attempts for max load
7x1 of each without resting on the ground (even to re-grip)
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press
4 Rnds For Time
10 Min Cap
10 Burpees
10 Thrusters 40kg(30kg)
10 KBS 24kg(16kg)
"The Bear"
5 Attempts for max load
7x1 of each without resting on the ground (even to re-grip)
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press
4 Rnds For Time
10 Min Cap
10 Burpees
10 Thrusters 40kg(30kg)
10 KBS 24kg(16kg)
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
THUR WOD 24/1/2013
20 Minutes
3 Position Snatch
Floor, Knee, Mid Hang
Demo Video Here
Reps For Time Of
Push Press
20 Minutes
3 Position Snatch
Floor, Knee, Mid Hang
Demo Video Here
Reps For Time Of
Push Press
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
WED WOD 23/1/2012
Back Squats 5,5,5,5,5
5 Rnds For Time
5 Power Cleans 80kg(60kg)
7 Chest To Bar Pullups
Run 150 Mtrs
Back Squats 5,5,5,5,5
5 Rnds For Time
5 Power Cleans 80kg(60kg)
7 Chest To Bar Pullups
Run 150 Mtrs
Just encase you didn't know I have now started our first intern Sine. Sine will be helping me out with a few classes a week. Its another set of eyes for me, and as you guys well know our numbers have increased a fair bit recently. Sine has been training at CrossFit Coolum Beach for over three and a half years and I have lost count of the competitions she has entered in. The latest under her belt are Barbell Brutality, WOD Stock, Gold Coast Immortals and Clash on the Coast last year. Sine has a great standard of movement as a CrossFitter and can easily demo everything from a muscle up, handstand pushup, Snatch etc. Sine also has a degree in Exercise Science and works as an exercise physiologist at Kaizen Exercise Physiologists in Marooochydore. I'm quite sure Sine will make a great Coach. We will be adding more interns in the coming months stay tuned good times !.
Monday, January 21, 2013
TUES WOD 22/1/2013
Clean & Jerk 20 Minutes to a Heavy Single.
21 KBS 25kg(16kg)
21 Double Unders
Rest 2 Minutes
7 Ring Dips
15 Box Jumps
Clean & Jerk 20 Minutes to a Heavy Single.
21 KBS 25kg(16kg)
21 Double Unders
Rest 2 Minutes
7 Ring Dips
15 Box Jumps
Sunday, January 20, 2013
MON WOD 21/1/2013
15 Minutes
5 Rnds For Weight and Reps
3 Push Press
M E Strict Pullups+Kipping Pullups
Use 2-3 Warmup sets on the Push press before starting the Pullups, Move straight from the Push Press to the Pullups. Rest Between Sets.
10 Min AMRAP
5 Power Snatch 60kg(40kg)
10 KTE
14 Pistols (7 per Leg)
10 Min AMRAP
5 Power Snatch AHAP
10 KTE
20 Squats
SUN REST DAY 20/1/2013
There’s an episode of The Simpsons that Paul McCartney guest stars on and there’s a scene that goes something like this – Paul McCartney and Lisa are talking and Lisa tells Paul that she’s a vegetarian and she’s thinking about becoming a vegan; to which Paul replies, “I’m a level seven vegan. I don’t eat anything that casts a shadow.” Yeah. Pretty deep, I know. This little intro is going to serve two purposes today. The first is to show that everything can be taken too far. Sorry Paul, but you fit the description of “That Guy”. The other purpose is to point out that in the land of the non-meat eating there are ‘shades’ or classes of vegetarian/veganism – you’ve got your standard vegetarian, lacto-ovo vegetarian, vegan, raw vegan, macrobiotic, pesco-vegetarian, flexitarian, etc. Unfortunately with Paleo we don’t really have that kind of flexibility – either you are, or you aren’t. I mean sure, you’ve got the Primal crowd that does dairy and the autoimmune folks but those are pretty much the only recognized options. This makes for a lot of confusion and results in some pretty harsh criticism sometimes. Let me explain…Read the rest of this article here.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
SAT WOD 19/1/2012

Front Squats 5,3,2,1,1,1,1
Teams of 2
3 rounds for time of:
30 Partner Burpees
200m Buddy Carry
3 rounds for time of:
20 Lateral Burpees (over BB)
100m Barbell Carry 185/135# (back rack)
Thanks to Outlaw CrossFit For the WOD
As per usual we will be scaling the WOD accordingly.
Jake and Mr Pukie LOL
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
THURS WOD 17/1/2013
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
WED WOD 16/1/2013
Back Squats, 20 Mins to find a heavy double for the Day
6 Rnds For Time, Teams of 2, 1 round each
21 Power Snatch 30kg(20kg)
21 Wall Ball
Back Squats, 20 Mins to find a heavy double for the Day
6 Rnds For Time, Teams of 2, 1 round each
21 Power Snatch 30kg(20kg)
21 Wall Ball
Monday, January 14, 2013
TUES WOD 15/1/2013
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Saturday, January 12, 2013
SUN REST DAY 13/1/2013
There has been lots of talk about nutrition down at the box lately as we have plenty of newbies who want to know "What do I eat for CrossFit?". Being healthy is a combination of many things exercise, diet, sleep, lack of stress etc. Exercise is good but if your diet is crap you won't reap all the benefits of the hard work you put in. On the other hand if your diet is spot on it doesn't mean your going to win the CrossFit games either. I don't believe that one size fits all when it comes to diet. You need to experiment and become your own expert.
Your diet needs to be something that you can work into your life without being obsessive. Me personally I want to enjoy myself. There is no way I'm going to cook an epic peace of steak and cut the end off it because it doesn't fit into my 4 Block Dinner meal plan. But I don't want to overeat either.
I think for someone who has a really poor diet the zone can be a great place to start, it gets them eating regularly and will give you some idea of portion size. I have heard some real horror story's lately, way too much protein and no vegetables at all, muffins for breakfast "light and easy" nobody should eat muffins for breakfast especially someone that lifts a barbel! Its a small cake!
The CrossFit prescription for diet is to base your diet on garden vegetables, especially greens, lean meats, nuts and seeds, little starch, and no sugar. Eat real food, not products. If what you eating has a massive list of whats in it and will last a nuclear winter its probably not going to be good for you. Another point I would like to make is the word paleo is been thrown around a lot and I have seen some seriously shitty paleo diets. Cave man didn't have bacon everyday that was full of nitrates and a 3 paleo brownies for morning tea then beef jerky for lunch with nuts and a latte, or put honey or agave nectar on everything "its ok it's paleo". It will still elevate you insulin levels. So here are some links to a few sites that I have found helpful. Hopefully you can all find something that you can do that's healthy and long term. Diet is not a short term fix to get ready for summer its a lifetime thing. Enjoy!
- Foodee
- Robb Wolf Recipes
- Catalyst Athletics Performance Menu
- Nom Nom Paleo
- Multiply Delicious
- PaleOMG - real food, real life, real simple
- The Food Lovers Kitchen
- Live Primal – Fuels & Recipe Book
- Paleo Plan – Recipes
- CrossFit Journal – Zone Meal Plans
- Julianne Taylor – Zone & Paleo Nutrition Blog
- Health-Bent Paleo Recipes that don’t look or taste like dog food!
Friday, January 11, 2013
SAT WOD 12/1/2012
30 Power Snatches For Time
Or as many reps in 10 minutes as possible of Isabel
3 Rnds For Reps 1 Minute of each
HR Pushups
Wall Ball
30 Power Snatches For Time
Or as many reps in 10 minutes as possible of Isabel
3 Rnds For Reps 1 Minute of each
HR Pushups
Wall Ball
Thursday, January 10, 2013
FRI WOD 11/1/2012

Front Squat 3x3
3 Rnds For Time
10 OHS (60kg)
20 KBS 24kg(16kg)
Run 1000Mtrs
Machines are amazing. They can perform at maximum output for months upon months upon years without skipping a beat. And when they do slip up, they can just get the parts replaced or their programming retooled. Humans are not machines. We can’t perform at maximum output for months and even years, only stopping to get a quick tune-up or a replacement part. However, humans are better than machines, with our ability to organically heal our own bodies and recover from injuries and wounds and illnesses, but we require time to do so. It doesn’t happen overnight, though, and in the absence of pharmacological assistance, there are no easy ways around this simple fact of our existence. Read the rest of this article Click Here.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
THURS WOD 10/1/2013
15 Minutes Clean & Jerks Doubles
For Time
20 Burpees
30 Ring Dips
20 Burpees
30 TTB
20 Burpees
15 Minutes Clean & Jerks Doubles
For Time
20 Burpees
30 Ring Dips
20 Burpees
30 TTB
20 Burpees
WED WOD 9/1/2013
Monday, January 7, 2013
TUES WOD 8/1/2012
5 Mins Max Double Unders
30 Muscle Ups in the least amount of sets as possible, not for time. Set ends when you let go of the rings. Full turnout at the bottom.
For those that cannot do a muscle up we will be working on progressions.
Back Squats 3,3,3,3,3,3
5 Mins Max Double Unders
30 Muscle Ups in the least amount of sets as possible, not for time. Set ends when you let go of the rings. Full turnout at the bottom.
For those that cannot do a muscle up we will be working on progressions.
Back Squats 3,3,3,3,3,3
Sunday, January 6, 2013
MON WOD 7/1/2012
In this photo, Koz with the man of her dreams Rudy Nielson. Well maybe?
Koz has recently attended the CrossFit level 1 Cert. Now Outlaw Training Camp at CrossFit Western Front in Ipswich. Next willl be Donnie Shankle in Feb. What will be next...watch this space.
15 Minutes to Find a Heavy Single, Clean & Jerk
12 Min AMRAP
3 Clean & Jerks 60kg(40kg)
20 Double Unders
Friday, January 4, 2013
FRI WOD 4/12/2013
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
WED WOD 2/1/2013
Reminder our classes are now back to our normal schedule !
A)Hang Snatch Doubles 20 Mins
For Time
Reps of
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