One Week to go until our games day, by now all your team captains should have received an email with all the details. Registration opens at 7.00am, briefing 8:00 am. First WOD 8.30am. We will be posting the first 2 WODS on Friday night 3rd August. They will not be out until then..........I lied about letting them out earlier. Spectators are welcome. If you have any questions regarding the day I am happy to answer just give me a call. Greg 0407752489
Saturdays WOD
20 Minutes
Clean+Front Squat+Split Jerk 1+2+1
3 Rnds
Run 400mtrs
30 Wall Ball 10kg(6kg)
12 Pull Ups
" DT"
5 Rnds For Time
12 Deadlifts 70kg(50kg)
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerk
15 Min Cap, scale accordingly
MUSIC.....Sick of mine....bring me in a USB of your favorite workout songs and ill put them into the playlist. You must be able to workout to Country Music or ballads. It just would just be all kinds or wrong.
Snatch+ Hang Snatch +OHS 1+1+1
20 Minutes Practice
5 Rnds For Time
9 Deadlifts
6 Hang Power Snatch
Pick a weight you can use to do the WOD in under 10 minutes...... without your form turning to dog poo.
This Saturday is CrossFit Logic's Open Day. They are running a WOD every half hour 9am till 12pm , Apparently it something called "Fran", with a 15 minute cut off...... cant be that bad?. If anyone is keen I will be heading there after the 8.30am session to join in all the fun.
Today's Training,
Back Squat 20 Minutes to a 3RM
5 Rnds for time
21 Thrusters 30kg(20kg)
21 Double Unders
B) Teams of 4
Sled will be the pace setter 10 Min AMRAP
Athletes change exercises when the sled comes back
Sled Drag 40 Mtrs 60kg(40kg)
Muscle Up/ Ring Dip/ Ring Pushup
Double Unders