This clip is of Koz, who started here 18 months ago. Koz sent me this clip so I could have a look at her form for her. I'm not going to comment on that here, but I will say 18 Months ago Koz could barley hold an air squat. Koz has made massive changes to her diet and has trained really hard. The best thing about being a coach is seeing someone get better, it makes my job awesome. Also there is nothing better than seeing someone get a PR.
Reps For Time Of
Wall Ball 10kg(6kg)
7 Toes To Bar,
Between each set of wall ball.
THIS WEEKS FRIDAY 8:30am CLASS WILL BE 7:30am, This is a one off change all other classes are at there normal times. Sorry if there is any inconvenience.
3 Rnds
Run 400 Mtrs
15 Cleans 60kg(40kg)
30 Double Unders
Not saying anyone done this on purpose, but please be careful with the gear as much as possible. When we are lifting keep your area tidy don't just have plates an clips all over the place stack them up neatly in-front of the platform. Its easy to drop a loaded bar on something also if its messy its easy to trip over something. On another note its great to see heaps of records being broken of late and the massive improvements everyone has made over the last few months. Keep it coming!