If you’re not making progress at CrossFit, you’re not trying hard enough. More specifically, you’re not trying often enough.
Coaches and athletes are quick to blame nutrition, sleep, and overtraining for lack of progress. While these factors can certainly slow your journey to speed, strength, and power, I’d bet they aren’t the principal reason you’re still languishing in the CrossFit minor leagues. You just don’t workout enough.
Contrary to the popular ideal, working out three days a week is a crappy path to fitness. While a tri-weekly program will sustain weight loss, muscle size, and (perhaps) strength, it will not enhance recovery ability, metabolic capacity, and power output beyond set levels.
The name of the game, whether you’re a CrossFitter, a cyclist, or an Olympic weightlifter, is to train as hard as possible as often as possible. This places ever-increasing stressors on the body and mind, forcing adaptation. Training below this threshold—whether you’re sandbagging or just staying at home—causes stagnation or worse. Read the Rest of This article
Back Squat 7x3
4 Rnds For Time
Run 400Mtrs
10 HPC 60kg(40kg)
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