Push Jerk 4x4
Then 5 Rounds For Time
5x Push Jerk 60kg 40kg
10 Burpee

Remind you of anything? Why would anyone run on a treadmill . I know I did, now I know better.
A Treadmill is a closed kinetic chain movement, running on the open road is an open kinetic chain movement. The difference is closed kinetic chain movements are when the distal end of the limb moves and the body stays still . IE you feet and legs move you go no place ? Just like a leg press machine . You sit on you ass and push weight away from you body . The problem with these types of movements is your body will only use muscle it has to too do the job . One of the roles of your hamstrings and glutes is extension of the hip and flexion of the knee (standing you up from a squat and pushing you along ). This is a functional movement very important to your wellbeing and part of your DNA. While running on a treadmill your feet are propelled backwards by the mat that runs underneath your feet . In simple terms the force of the mat takes over the job of the hamstrings and glutes. Then if all you did was run on one of these things your functional capacity or ability to do real life tasks (run away from danger go get help etc is reduced ) not to mention creating an imbalance in your body's mechanics. Not cool . CrossFit is all about GPP or general physical preparedness. Treadmills just don't cut it . Plus its boring as hell, so boring in fact most gyms place a TV in front of them. Not my idea of a workout !.
So if your trainer asks you to use one of these things or please sit on your ass and lift this ask them if it will incease your functional capacity and see what happens.
Best of luck to Brad Frazer and Tara Bayukhin who are down in Brisbane this weekend at the level 1 Cert , Hope you have fun and they make you do " Fran" ha ha .
hope you both had a great time at cert 1. you sore? lol