Monday, December 5, 2011

TUES WOD 6/12/2011

Tabata Something Else

Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.

Your score is the lowest rep count for each exercise


  1. Jacque 4-6-9-15
    Sue 5-5-10-16rxd
    Julie 4-7-12-10
    Rhonda 5-6-8-15
    Tara B 4-5-8-12rxd
    Nicky 6-4-10-15rxd
    Sine 7-8-10-13rxd

  2. Blake 6-12-11-15rxd
    Sean 8-6-8-15rxd
    Jo 4-5-9-12
    Tim 5-6-8-10
    Amy 4-5-8-13
    Kym 3-6-11-18rxd
    Shelly C 3-4-10-15rxd
    Kyle 10-12-14-17rxd
    Rob 4-6-8-12rxd
    Dave 6-8-8-18rxd

  3. Dee 6-4-10-12rxd
    Flynn 7-6-6-15rxd
    Shelly B 9-4-6-8
    Hales 6-6-12-15rxd
    Dini 6-5-9-12
    Tara Mc 6-6-10-14rxd
    Koz 2-4-8-15
    Jules 4-6-10-14rxd
