B) Teams of 4
300 Double Unders
120 Wall Ball 10kg(6kg)
80 Toes To Bar
120 Box Jumps 24Inch(18 Inch)
80 KBS 32kg(24kg)
120 Burpees
80 Shoulder to Overhead 60kg(40kg)
6.30pm Friday night at the box. Meeting to workout travel plans and accommodation for Sydney. Check out the clip, looks like there will be heaps of mud.
Back Squats 5,5,5,5,5 Work up to a heavy 5 rep max
12 Min AMRAP
7 Burpees
7 Push Press AHAP (as heavy as posible)
7 Pullups
Handstand Holds ( NO BANANA BENDERS.....Think hollow rock) Each second held is 1 Rep.
Burpees, Chest to floor- pushup- jump to squat- straight up and down to finish
ups (Throat hight ) use a band if necessary. Get stronger, use good
from with less reps if need be.
This Saturday morning 19/5/2012, we will be joining CrossFit Noosa to celebrate a 1 year Birthday.
9 Commerce Court Noosaville. Kick off is 8.30am, So no WOD at the shed in Coolum this weekend. Come and join the fun in Noosa click for more details
30 Muscle ups For Time, or work on muscle ups /and or progressions, chest to bar pullup dip etc
Next Monday 7th May, public holiday there will be only one session at 9am.
On another note there has been debate about changing the Saturday morning session time to 8.30am , if you care be sure to have your say looks like I'm going to get a sleep in at this stage. Its in your hands just let me know.