COOLUM'S BATTLE OF THE BARBELL IS NOW FULL, We have had 36 teams register within an hour and a half. If you would like to go on a waiting list, in case of cancellations please email Greg
Clean & Jerk 15 Minutes to a Heavy Double
21,15,9 Reps For Time
Deadlift 100kg(70kg)
Back Squat 3,3,3,3,3
20 Minutes
Warm Up Sets ..... your first 3 that counts should be at least 85% of 1 RM go up if you can, or hold across all 5 sets
4 Rounds for total reps,
3 Power Clean AHAP if you miss, on the spot fine10 Burpee's
3 Muscle Ups
30 Double Unders
You can only move on to the next exercise once all you team has finished there set, Each Athlete starts on a different exercise or with the rest station. Score is Number of complete sets in 10 minutes of.
Each Athlete will start on a different exercise You may only move onto the next exercise once your partner has finished it, So you will need to motivate the person in front to hurry up and or the person behind to catch up.
You must tag the person behind you once you have finished your reps, only then may they move on to the next. Each finished set of each exercises is worth 1 point, Your score will be the entire teams total sets completed.
10 Min AMRAP
Run to the fence and back + 30 Double Unders
5 Clean & Jerk 70kg(50kg) Yes its a full Squat.
30 Box Jumps 24" 18"
15 Toes To Bar
The GHD will be dragged out, 10 x GHD situps between sets of the Press......Make sure the top foot pegs are screwed in PROPERLY.............If you are unsure what happens if you don't, ask Mike.
60 KBS 24kg(16kg)
50 Burpees
40 Pullups
Its Maroochy Shire Show Day Today, Classes as per normal. Come down and put on a show of your own.
Back Squat 3 RM 20 Minutes, No less than 5 heavy attempts. 20mins includes warmup sets.
Deadlift 100kg(70kg)
Newbies will replace Diane with;
5,5,5,5,5 Deadlift.
Max HSPU/Box in between sets or Max Handstand Hold/Box......................... You are a newbie if I say you are.
Back Squat, Work to a Heavy 5 Rep Max 20 Minutes
Due to popular demand Team WOD Friday!
For Time, In Pairs one working 1 resting
300 Double Unders
50 Ground to Overhead 60kg(40kg)
Farmers Carry twice around Car park 2x24k(16kg)
Change farmer carry as needed. Partition Box Jumps and Ground to Overhead as you wish.