Thursday, June 23, 2011

FRI WOD 24/6/2011

This is an old photo of Ashley taken around two years ago. When she first started CrossFit. Ashley moved down to the Gold Coast after training at CFCB for around 12 months, I think. I could be wrong on those dates? Ashley has continued to train at CrossFit Gold Coast and made the top 60 this year and went on to compete in Sydney.
The Gold Coast Team made the cut and they are traveling to the States to compete. Ash is in the team WELL DONE ASH!! I can still hear your whining as I would write up the WOD .
Ash trained with me when we first opened, there were no girls who could do pullups. I truly think most of them thought it was impossible for a female to do one without a band? This would realy piss me off and it felt like none of the girls was realy "having a go". I stuck $50 to the whiteboard for the first female pullup. Ashley got it, now girls smashing out pullups is way normal at our box.
The athletes have to pay there own way to the states and all expenses. If you would like to help Ash out there are some raffle tickets for sale at the shed only $2 each. Every little bit helps.
Here's a clip of what Ash is like now (thats 50kg she's throwing around).

21,15,9 Reps For Time
Push Jerk 60kg(40kg)
Pull Up


  1. $50 as if, think it was more like $20 you tight ass.

  2. Maybe I got it wrong? it was 2 years ago...How many tickets shall I put you down for ?

  3. Eddie 10.56
    Libby 10.40
    Sam 16.33
    Nicky 13.44
    Zac 11.17
    Dave E 14.08
    Rhonda 10.53

  4. WOD Change due to Numbers

    Push Jerk 60kg(40kg) Pull up ladder

    Jo 18,15
    Blake 18, 17
    Sean 18
    Koz 15,15
    Shelly C 18,15
    Tara Mc 18,1
    Dini 18,18,+7
    Al 18,15
    Kyle 18,18+10

  5. Kym 18,18
    Kyle 18,18+10
    Hales 18+10
    Sine 15,15+16
    Aaron 12+4
    Shelly B 15,10
