Tuesday, November 8, 2011

WED WOD 9/11/2011

5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats

On the minute each minute for 30 Minutes

Reminder we are shut on Saturday due to the Immortals Team Challenge on the Gold Coast.
If you are competing on the weekend just do 15minutes of this, now is the time to start backing off. Rest up and be ready


  1. Terry 9rxd
    Sue 5rxd+6rnds
    Tara B 5
    Sam 4rxd
    Dan 5rxd

  2. Dave 10rxd
    Sean 15rxd
    Amy 9
    Tim 7
    Jo 9
    Aaron 6rxd
    Kyle 15rxd

  3. Brad 4rxd
    Flynn 8rxd
    Blake 15rxd
    Hales 4rxd
    Rhonda 17
