Ok Guys and Girls, Lets get gory! So we have all seen this happen in the gym its inevitable that at some stage of your training that you will have a blister pop or scrape your shins on a bar. The shed is getting busier and now and we are doubling up on the bars during the WODS. If you are a bleeder you need to put pair of long socks in your gym bag. If there is someone in the gym you want to share your DNA with it needs to be done outside of the gym. So if we are doing a WOD and you think your going to bleed put your socks on and or tape up. I'm not having a go at anyone in particular here, its just the last thing you want to hear two thirds the way towards smashing your time on a benchmark WOD is "Blood Bin". That means you'll have to stop. Also the tape is expensive. I do not provide it you have to get your own. Or steel someone else's when they aren't looking..... the poor sole who leaves it behind (I would take it home otherwise its fair game). If you have any questions on how to tape up grab me only to happy to help.
On a side note there is a Documentary on channel 7 Tonight 6.30pm,The TV show is called "Sunday night" This Sunday its about soldiers who have been in wounded in Afghanistan, and now are walking the Kokoda trail. One of Pats mates is in the documentary he lost both legs while on deployment. Should be highly motivational.
"Lunch time BBQ" at the end of Warragah PDE Yaroomba.
The small park at the end of the street there is a BBQ next to the beach. Bring something to eat and drink, there is no WOD just a casual get together outside of the box. Hope to see you all there!
Its warming up now and Sundays looking good, so we are having a gathering.
12 on Sunday at the end of Warragah PDE Yaroomba.
The small park at the end of the street there is a BBQ next to the beach. Bring something to eat and drink, there is no WOD just a casual get together outside of the box. Hope to see you all there!