OHS 5,5,5 Use 4 Warmup sets to a heavy 5 First set use the bar.
12 Min AMRAP Starting with 100 Double Unders Then 3 SDLHP 42.5kg(30kg) 3 Pushups add 3 reps of eah per round go as far as you can in the 12 Minutes the double unders do not count as reps for your score. Scale the double unders if necessary
For Time 10 Hang Cleans 50kg(35kg) 20 Double Unders 8 Hang Cleans 30 Double Unders 6 Hang Cleans 40 Double Unders 4 Hang Cleans 50 Double Under 2 Hang Cleans 60 Double Unders
The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals. Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals.
If you pay by the 31st of Jan you get the early bird discount. If you want in put your NAME and EMAIL on the notice board at the Box. Once you have done this you should soon get an email as I add you to the team. You can still register after this date but it will just cost more.
This is not a weight loss challenge, its about eating better, staying active , and body composition change. This may mean you need to put some weight on. This also levels the playing field out, usually in a comp like this it would be the person who loses the most weight. This is not always the best option as we have had clients who have done extremely well losing alot of weight then freaking out as this stopped and they put weight on. The person had leaned out and started to put on muscle. I am not interested in having people starve themselves to win.
How does it work?
The challenge will be 8 weeks long starting on 9/1/2012. $30 to enter. Friday night we will have a nutrition seminar 5.30pm for an hour so no 5.30pm class. You need to have your photo taken full body frontal, back and profile shot. We will also be taking body measurements at the beginning half way mark and at the end . This is to be done after the nutrition seminar or at a time arranged to suit. Men will be photographed in shorts women shorts and a sports bra. At the end of the 8 weeks the photos will be taken again. All the participants will view the photos and measurements.Then a secret vote will take place. Best male and female will split the prize money, this is dependent on how many people enter. You may enter and not have you photo taken ( you just cannot win the money). You must also train 4 times per week minimum to be in the running.
Gym Open Tomorrow morning 3/1/2012 Due to lack of attendance of the 6am class before Xmas you need to let me know if you intend on coming. I think most of the people who where using the 6am class are still away for a while or have changed to the arvo classes. So until the 6am class is regularly attended you will need to let me know by 8pm the night before at the latest that you are coming.
The "Look better in the Nude Challenge" will start next Monday 9/1/2012. I will be posting the rules etc on the blog in the next few days....(Dave you have to leave your undies on for the photo) This will be a bit extra to help you work off the Xmas/ New year cheer.
For those of you that are competitive the the first workout for the open is February 22. There will be extra on the whiteboard for you to sink your teeth into in the weeks coming up to the events.
I also suggest if you are serious about your training you by a note book of some description. In this you can keep a record of the major lifts and benchmark workouts. You can leave them at the gym, this will be an easy to get to record of where your at.
Looking forward to another year of improvements. See you at the box!